Sermon Notebooks and Listening to Sermons

Good day Lake Hills Baptist Church!

Last Sunday many of you picked up one of the free sermon notebooks that were made available in the south foyer. In fact, we ran out! Praise the Lord!

I wanted you to know we will be ordering more. Lord willing, those will be available this Sunday. My plan is to have those regularly available so that when someone runs out of space, they can just pick up another. The cost of these will be worked into our current budget, so thank you for giving to the general fund!

The sermon notebooks include 20 tips for listening to sermons. I wanted to include that list in today’s post, but I can’t find it anywhere online, and, as I said, we ran out of notebooks, so I can’t type them. However, I found a helpful article by Philip Ryken here about listening to sermons that is helpful. Here is a quote from that article to consider:

. . . many Christians find it helpful to listen to sermons with a pencil in hand.  Although note taking is not required, it is an excellent way to stay focused during a sermon.  It is also a valuable aid to memory.  The physical act of writing something down helps to fix it in our minds.  Then there is the added advantage of having the notes for future reference.  We get extra benefit from a sermon when we read over, pray through, and talk about our sermon notes with someone else afterwards.

Another resource I thought about providing but ultimately turned down, is the ESV Scripture journals from Crossway. These simple journals each contain a book of the Bible in the ESV on the left side of the page with space for notes on the right side of the page. Ultimately I thought there wasn’t enough room in these for sermon notes, but some may find them helpful for personal study.

Have a good week, church family! Thank you for your prayers as we continue to navigate adjusting to life here.